BriteProgram securely empowers your team members with multiple internal staff roles. With BriteProgram, you can gain quick insights into all critical program aspects, and securely integrate data with your existing on-premises or cloud applications.
To make programs run effectively, team members have a variety of responsibilities at all stages of your programs. These roles must clearly map to specific tasks that belong to the program. BriteProgram includes standard user roles and allows the addition of custom roles. For multi-program requirements, user role permissions are independent across all the programs. Program Managers can also invite colleagues to join and assign roles, without the need to rely on a Systems Administrator. BriteTeams features:
Multiple internal staff roles
Scalable administrative and member support processes
Ability to manage multi-regional and multi-divisional programs with various levels of program management rolling into headquarters
BriteProgram enables you to gain quick insights into all critical aspects of program adoption, program disbursements, program compliance, and program efficiency. Visualize data trends, meet compliance requirements, and provide transparency through customizable and print-ready reports. Customizable dashboards feature modules, widgets, and reports for nearly any point in the application process that you need to monitor. Drilling down to each application, you can take notes and send communication to applicants regarding their status. BriteReports delivers insights such as:
How many users have registered
How long they take to apply
Where they were referred to the application from
If and where bottlenecks exist in the process
All open tasks for a specified user
BriteProgram’s data integration engine sends any user and program applicant data straight to your existing on-premises or cloud applications. Process quality and efficiency increase as time-consuming data entry work shrinks and mistakes are eliminated. Rapid import of legacy program data makes initial implementations a breeze. BriteProgram can integrate with a variety of systems to enable program management efficiencies. For example:
Integration with Microsoft Outlook and other email apps to notify applicants of workflow changes
Calendar extensions enable automatic scheduling of follow-up meetings
Integration with ERP and CRM enables
Additionally, BriteProgram is:
A web-based app, compatible across all desktop platforms and Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome web browsers
Mobile compatible, both for applicant facing forms and administrative users
BriteProgram pages are built to Section 508 and more accessibility standards
BriteProgram software and WSI’s technical operations team stands with you to protect your program data. BriteProgram meets or exceeds federal (FIPS, FISMA), state, and local IT compliance standards for secure access, information privacy, and encrypted data storage and transport of program data. User personal identifiable information is completely secure. Additionally, user access and privilege are customizable based on defined parameters, so you can assign varying levels of authority and access. An attribute-based access control (ABAC) mechanism granular control for managing distinct access rights per role across divisions and programs. Further security assurances include:
WSI can work with you to implement more customized solutions, such as secure, off-site backups
Initial application and ongoing performance information can be stored in an encrypted state
WSI performs routine vulnerability testing