Efficient and effective program data collection and analytics are vital to improving outcomes for nearly every aspect of business and civilian life, from education, healthcare, and business to construction and the environment. Program performance and analytics is a key component of improving government funding, development, and relief and programs.
Resources are tight and competition for funds is increasing. Delivering resources to qualified recipients on-time and within budget is crucial to success. To ensure that programs run effectively, transparency and oversight need to be built in from the start, not added as an afterthought or as a half-hearted attempt to address unforeseen problems.
Web & Mobile Forms are vital for making your program accessible and easy. Whether the need is a benefits application, a compliance tracking process, or a satisfaction survey, BriteProgram gets you up and running quickly and securely.
Our web forms provide convenient options for skip logic, data validation and post submission workflow processing. Once submitted by the user, BriteProgram gives you multiple options to integrate the form data into existing databases and applications. You can also encrypt and backup BriteProgram data on any scheduled interval as required by your internal compliance mandates.
Web Content Management features are vital to supporting digital content for program information, training content, videos, and other assets that inform your program’s target audience. User-friendly access to content facilitates communication and collaboration.
BriteProgram solutions enable you to manage and structure both static and dynamic content, deliver content in multiple languages, and provide remote access.